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IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics
IFM O2V Objektinspektion - Unchained Robotics

ifm O2V Object Inspection

Object inspection for packaging, production, and quality control. The ifm O2V vision sensor checks the presence of adhesive labels or imprints, such as the production or best-before date. The sensor also reliably detects color markings such as mounting points or error markings – applied by machine or by hand.

0 px

Max. Operating Distance

50 - 2,000 mm

Technical Questions

€1,040.90 excl. VAT.

From 200,00 € a month with lease buy or installment.

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Pixel Counter

Comparable to an abacus or slide rule, the O2V vision sensor counts all pixels of the same gray values of an image together. In addition, it can group accumulations of certain gray values to individual objects and evaluates them according to various criteria.


Comparable to an abacus or slide rule, the O2V vision sensor counts all pixels of the same gray values of an image together. In addition, it can group accumulations of certain gray values to individual objects and evaluates them according to various criteria.

Everything in view

Variants with different viewing angles for different image field sizes. Everything is documented: Data logger with error image memory.

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Field of view20 cm²
Min. Operating Distance50 mm
Max. Operating Distance2,000 mm
Max. FPS20
Resolution640 x 480

The ifm object inspection sensor O2V is used for presence, completeness, position, size and quality control, as well as for sorting tasks.  It is optimally suited for applications with varying object shapes, sizes or color values. The sensor inspects a part for completeness, shape deviations, or variations in color. For this purpose, the device captures a grayscale image of the test part using reflected or transmitted light.  Based on the brightness values determined in the image, the sensor differentiates between the object to be inspected and the background.  The device compares the captured image with one or more reference models. 

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