Videos 20 / 125
The OnRobot RG6 gripper handles champagne with care and class!
Pick&Place use cases with the RG2 and RG6 OnRobot grippers.
Nordbo Magnetic Tool Changer in motion with a UR-Cobot and a Robotiq gripper
AGV solution with an AUBO Cobot and a DH Robotics AG-95 gripper
HORST600 industrial robt at an EOL teststand at P+K
A DOBOT robot serves drinks with its DH Robotics PGC-140 gripper
A cobot from Doosan Robotics handles a palletizing application with ease
Deburring without code with the Nordbo Mimic Kit and a UR Cobot
Cobots from Doosan Robotics automate quality control of car seats and headrests
DOBOT CR3 handles pipetting and mixing processes
Doosan M-Series cobots perform a variety of tasks with ease
Cleaning a car lamp with the DOBOT CR5
Weld seam removal with Nordbo Robotics and a cobot from AUBO Robotics
Grilling with fruitcore robotics HORST600 Industrial Robot
Automated screwdriving at Danfoss with the Spin Robotics SD35 and a UR Cobot
Surface cleaning with the OnRobot HEX force/torque sensor
Pick & place and grinding tasks with the OnRobot MG10 and Sander
A Doosan M1013 Cobot masters these welding processes
Making coffee with the DOBOT CR3
Making coffee with two cobots and two 2-finger AG grippers from DH Robotics